The latest updates from Disclosure Scotland.
Launch of online basic disclosures
Customers can now view their basic disclosures online.
Scottish Government to continue PVG fee waiver for volunteers
An update on Disclosure Scotland fees from 1 April 2025
Fees consultation report now available
Disclosure Scotland has published its consultation analysis report on fees discounts and waivers.
Get Ready for the Disclosure Act - Week two recap
A recap on week 2 of the Disclosure Act campaign.
Disclosure Scotland newsletter
Our latest newsletter, including updates on our new online account feature.
Get Ready for the Disclosure Act - Week one recap
Disclosure Scotland launches its Get Ready for the Disclosure Act campaign on social media.
PVG scheme will be a legal requirement
The Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) scheme will be a legal requirement from 1 April 2025.
Get ready for PVG online results
Our new PVG online account service has launched.
New Online Account service now live
A new way to make PVG applications and view results online.
PVG online results - delay to go-live
An update on the launch of our PVG online account service.
New changes to applying for PVG and viewing results online
Information about changes to PVG applications and viewing results online
Disclosure (Scotland) Act 2020 – what do you need to know and do now?
What you need to know about the Disclosure Act.
Raising awareness of your duty to refer
Organisations have a duty to make referrals to Disclosure Scotland.
Disclosure (Scotland) Act 2020 changes - are you ready?
Information about the Disclosure Act and how to prepare for it.
Reform In Action documentary
Disclosure Scotland’s digital transformation has been highlighted in a new documentary.
Disclosure Scotland launches new website
Disclosure Scotland launches new website -
Keep your PVG membership up to date
Reminder to keep your PVG membership details up to date.